Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Seminary Pilgrimage to St. John the Compassionate Mission Day 5 - April 13, 2013

Photos from the fifth day - Saturday, April 13, 2013.

Watch Today's Video Blog: www.acrod.org/organizations/seminary/reflection/stjohnthe...

Read Today's Reflection by Seminarian Daniel Vaskalis:

Dinner after Vespers with a few of the parishoners
Hieromonk Luke led the Divine Services on Saturday and Sunday while Fr. Roberto and Fr. Jonathan were at St. Mary of Egypt Refuge for the Catechumen Retreat
We sang the responses on Saturday during the панихида (Panachida). For Vespers, we split the responses with the choir from the mission
Setting up for Saturday Vespers and then Sunday Liturgy
Unloading the food donations