Diocesan Administration

About The Diocese

The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. is composed of fourteen regional deaneries (districts):  Canada, Chicago, Florida,  Johnstown (PA), Mid-Atlantic, New England, New Jersey, New York, Pittsburgh, Pocono, Southern Tier, Tri-State, Washington, D.C., and Youngstown. It is overseen by the ruling Bishop with the assistance of  the Diocesan Consistory (senior priests specially selected for their pastoral experience), regional Deans, the Diocesan Board of Trustees and the Diocesan Chancery Staff

There are 81 parishes in the United States and Canada, 91 priests and approximately 8,500 faithful in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A.  The diocese is under the canonical protection of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Originally founded  by immigrants from the Carpatho-Rusyn regions of  present-day Slovakia, Poland and Western Ukraine,  the diocese today is comprised of peoples of all ethnic backgrounds, many of whom are converts to the faith.

Learn About History and Mission Here>>

Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa, Ruling Bishop

Let all of you follow the bishop, as Jesus Christ [follows] the Father; and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons as the ordinance of God. Without the bishop let no one do anything connected with the church.
St. Ignatius of Antioch

The ruling Bishop, as his name implies, is the episkopos or overseer of the Diocese. He is the spiritual head of the Diocese and the presiding official of the Board of Trustees. He performs his apostolic labors with the assistance of the Diocesan Chancery (Administration) Office staff, the Board of Trustees and  the Consistory (Clergy Consultors).

Learn More About Metropolitan Gregory

Diocesan Board of Trustees

His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa 
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank. P. Miloro, Chancellor 
The Very Rev. Miles P. Zdinak,  Treasurer
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, Consultor
The Very Rev. Peter Zarynow, Consultor
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Samuel Sherry, Consultor
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert Buczak, Consultor
The Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak, Consultor
Mr. Daniel Breno, Financial Secretary,
Mr. Roger Pavlik, Mr. John Bilanin, Mr. William Korchak, Mr. Lou Mihalko,
Atty. Steven Laduzinsky, Dr. Sharon Peifer-Robinson

Attorney Michael Vaporis, Diocesan Legal Counselor


Diocesan Chancery


312 Garfield Street
Johnstown, PA 15906

Tel (814) 539-9143  Fax (814) 536-4699
E-mail the Chancery 
E-mail Metropolitan Gregory

Business Hours: Mon- Fri  9 am - 4 pm.

The Chancery is closed on civil holidays and great feast days of the Church.

Chancery Staff

Chancery Staff

L to R:  Pani Betty Baranik,  Pani Elizabeth Zdinak, Protopresbyter Frank Miloro, Metropolitan Gregory, Very Rev. Miles Zdinak and  Ms. Claire Nash

Very Rev. Protopresbyter Stephen Loposky

Chancellor and Executive Director

Very Rev. Miles Zdinak
Diocesan Treasurer

Pani Betty Jean Baranik
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper

Pani Elizabeth Zdinak
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper