Diocesan Council/Sobor
Every three years, representatives from the entire body of the diocese, both clergy and laity, gather to chart the course of the diocese for the forthcoming triennium. The gathering of the diocese together in council or sobornost is reminiscent of the ancient gatherings of the early Church, which took place in the context of the common reception of the Eucharist and the breaking of bread in fellowship. Sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the clergy and lay delegates review the temporal affairs of the diocese and set in motion concrete plans for the spiritual and material growth of the diocese.
Diocesan Council/Sobor Special Websites
XXI Diocesan Council-Sobor - 2009
Reconvened XXI Council-Sobor - 2010
Special Assembly of Priests -2012
XXII Diocesan Council- Sobor - 2013