Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2009 Summer Camp Wk 1 - Thursday

Thursday was a full day at camp. In addition to the usual program of sports, cabin activities and religious education, the campers took part in a special religious themed Wheel of Fortune Game.
The day begain with Morning prayers led by Fr. Michael Chendorain
Nick and Stassia lead the campers in morning exercises.
These campers sing to reclaim their lost and found items.
Go team....these campers get ready for a water polo match.
Let the games begin.
Going in for the score....
Othodoxy Now: today's topic was Orthodoxy and Science.
Arts and Crafts
Plain chant class.
Ethnic dancing.
The girls of Camp Nazareth....
The camper/ clergy-staff blind volleyball tournament took place during free-time despite the damp conditions. Staff and clergy were victorious.
Thumbs up for tonight's dinner - chicken parmagiana
Will, Bob and Jonathan put the final touches on the "Wheel of Fortune"
Vanna and Pat enter the pavilion at the beginning of the Wheel of Fortune Religious Ed game.
The Wheel of Fortune.
Ben gives the wheel a spin.
The evening concluded with Daily Vespers followed by Confession.