Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2012 Diocesan Camp: Week 2 -- Tues July 24

Morning exercises, a.k.a. WIP (work-in-progress)
A nice morning jog
Morning prayers
Morning prayers
The theme of the summer on the staff binder
Learning about the environment and our place in it
Ethnic baking
Ethnic Baking -- The youngest campers made delicious kolachi...and a huge mess...it was worth it.
Learning to care for the environment
A little game of charades...can you guess who you are?
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios at the new St. Nectarios Shrine
Holy Anointing with the St. Nectarios Oil
The oldest boys keep the beat
The youngest campers prepare to sing
Pickin' a song out of the hat for the campfire
A little campfire silliness...
"Rejoice, O Life-giving Cross..."
Campfire musings