Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2012 Diocesan Camp: Week 3 - Mon July 30 -- Epic Sports

"Strateegery...that's the key word."
"Capture that flag..."
"Three cheers for our teams. Hip, hip hooray....."
"At Camp sometimes we run."
You must learn to hide in capture the flag
"I'm free, I'm free from jail."
Capture the Flag is all about the approach
"Somebody didn't get the memo to stay on your feet."
The Bombardment playing field
"On your mark, get set...."
"Do you see this ball! Do you see this ball!....."
Sometimes in bombardment we just break down and begin to limbo.
"Please don't hit me with the ball."
The calm before the bombardment storm.
Bombardment is actually a lot of fun....really.
"Could this be considered taunting....probably."
Action packed.
And sometimes in bombardment we dance. Inside joke: Fill up your faith.