Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Archpastoral Visit to Saint Mary's Orthodox Church Bluefield, WV (May 2-5, 2014)

On the weekend of May 2-5, 2014, His Grace Bishop Gregory traveled to the Dormition of the Mother of God Church in Bluefield, WV to join in the celebration of the parish's Golden Jubilee.

During the weekend long visit, His Grace met with the clergy and faithful of the parish and led the parish in the celebration of Saturday Evening Vespers and the Sunday Hierarchical Liturgy.

His Grace enjoyed the gracious Southern hospitality of the parish and the opportunity to spend quality time with the faithful of the parish as well as with Fr. Mark Tyson and his family.

The posted photos show scenes from the weekend's liturgical services and social gatherings.
Father Mark leads Bishop Gregory to the Episcopal Throne prior to the start of Vespers.
Bishop Gregory presides over Vespers
Fr. Mark receives the blessing of His Grace, to cense the church.
"Lord I have cried unto you hear me..."
Faithful in attendance at Great Vespers.
The people beautifully sang the responses to the Vespers.
The entrance at Gladsome Light.
"Peace be unto all! "
Bishop Gregory with the faithful of the parish in the fellowship hall after Vespers.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory enjoyed some delicious pepperoni pizza.
The parishioners enjoyed fellowship during the meal.
Gaining advice on how to receive the Bishop's blessing.
Bishop Gregory spent quality time with faithful of St. Mary's Parish.
Receiving the Bishop's blessing.
Enjoying a light-hearted moment with His Grace.
Listening intently to the Bishop.
Father Mark welcomes His Grace Bishop Gregory with the hand cross prior to the start of the Sunday Morning Divine Liturgy.
Father Mark begins the Great Censing of the Church.
The Small Entrance.
The altar boys lead the clergy in the Small Entrance.
" Bless God in the Churches, the Lord, You who are of Israel's wellspring..."
Sub-deacon James chants the Epistle.
"Peace be unto you the reader."
Father Mark proclaims the Gospel.
"Glory to You O Lord, Glory to You!"
Bishop Gregory offered the homily.
The Cherubic Hymn
Bishop Gregory censes the Church during the Cherubic Hymn.
"May the Lord our God remember all you Orthodox Christians in His Kingdom!'
"Peace be unto all!"
Bishop Gregory with the faithful of The Dormition of the Mother of God Parish.
"Three peas in a pod..." Enjoying fellowship at the Jubilee Luncheon.
The youth prepare to offer flowers to His Grace at the Luncheon.
Youth presenting flowers to Bishop Gregory.
The Head Table.
There was ample time for informal conversation with His Grace.
Enjoying a word with His Grace.
Bishop Gregory converses with one of the younger members of the parish.
Bishop Gregory enjoys speaking with the eldest member of the parish.
Greeting His Grace.
Past and present Parish Council Presidents.
A lighter moment....
Even the youngest children had the opportunity to greet Bishop Gregory.
Sitting at the table with His Grace.
#Selfie with His Grace!
Father Mark and Bishop Gregory engage in conversation.