Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 International Orthodox Youth Workers Forum - Days 2-3 (May 3-4, 2014)

Day 2 - 3

View additional Youth Forum photo galleries here: acrod.org/multimedia/photos/?collection_id=35102136-72157...
Forum Day 2 -- Dinner at Doy Doy Restaurant -- about 8:30pm after a long day
Forum Day 2 -- Turkish Coffee and Turkish Delight with friends and colleagues
Forum Day 3 -- A view from the Garden Inn Hilton
Forum Day 3 -- Seeing the Bosporous from the Hotel
Forum Day 3 -- Seeing the park across the street from the hotel
Forum Day 3 -- Matins and Liturgy at the the Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring in Baloukli
Forum Day 3 -- Ceiling of the Monastery
Forum Day 3 -- Icon of the Monastery
Forum Day 3 -- Another view of the beautiful ceiling
Forum Day 3 -- The Patriarch on his throne during Liturgy
Forum Day 3 -- His All-Holiness during the Liturgy
Forum Day 3 -- Chanters doing their work during the Liturgy -- there were 6 of them -- 3 on each side of the Church
Forum Day 3 -- His All-Holiness during the Holy God hymn
Forum Day 3 -- The Holy Synod of Bishops during the Divine Liturgy
Forum Day 3 -- After the Liturgy a Panachida/Trisagion was served at the graves of the Patriarchs outside the Church
Forum Day 3 -- The grave of Patriarch Athenagoras who received our Diocese back into the Holy Orthodox Church
Forum Day 3 -- At the spring beneath the Monastery
Forum Day 3 -- A pic of the Spring which gives the Monastery its name
Forum Day 3 -- Can you see it? The Camp Sticky Bun in the distance among the clouds!
Forum Day 4 -- This little guy was good company in the airport terminal
Forum Day 4 -- Lots experienced and learned -- most important: it's good to be home. Thanks be to God for everything!