Diocesan Photo Gallery

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2014 International Orthodox Youth Workers Forum - Day 2: May 3, 2014

Forum Day 2 - May 3, 2014

View additional Youth Forum photo galleries here: acrod.org/multimedia/photos/?collection_id=35102136-72157...
Forum Day 2 -- Speaking with His Eminence Irenaeus, Metropolitan of Crete. He had visited Camp Nazareth last summer
Forum Day 2 -- Some time for friends between panel discussions.
Forum Day 2 -- Time between Sessions for a photo op with new friends and Youth Worker colleagues
Forum Day 2 -- Panel discussions led to more discussion between sessiosn
Forum Day 2 -- Presentations were made in Greek or English. There were over 50 participants from 25 countries present
Forum Day 2 -- A little break and discussion between sessions
Forum Day 2 -- After the 3 Sessions, the participants were bussed to the Ecumenical Patriarchate to celebrate Vespers -- His All Holiness on the Throne
Forum Day 2 -- Vespers at the Church of St. George at the Patriarchate
Forum Day 2 -- The Iconostas at the Patriarchate was beautiful
Forum Day 2 -- His All-Holiness after after the Vespers Service
Forum Day 2 -- A fuller view of the iconostas at the Patriarchate
Forum Day 2 -- National Youth Directors from the U.S. outside the Phanar after Vespers
Forum Day 2 -- On the way back from the Patriarchate we passed the Orient Express -- Agatha Christy lovers wanted to stop
Forum Day 2 -- A fuller picture of the Orient Express