Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 Family Camp - Part 1 (Fri-Sat)

Our 2nd Annual Family Camp held at Camp Nazareth from Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1, 2014. These are the pictures from Friday evening until Saturday midday. It was a wonderful event with 40 participants from 10 families.
View More Photos here: www.acrod.org/multimedia/photos/?collection_id=35102136-7...

First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
First night family pics around the campfire
His Grace together with part of his Diocesan family
The kids got their hands on some smores and got smores all over their hands
The Cross Shrine adorned by God
Morning Prayers during Family Camp
During Morning Prayers
During Reflection and Journal time
This son spent his Reflection and Journal time doing just that
A pause during the Reflection and Journal time after morning prayers
His Grace teaching the Family Campers after Morning Prayers
His Grace enjoys the time teaching his people
His Grace giving a lesson
Sts. Cyril and Methodios Church on Saturday
And together with everyone
Families ate together
Moms and dads, grandmas too, learning during their Sessions
The parents listening to the teaching
The Mothers and Sister from the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration taught the parents
The children going through their sessions
The Families came back together after the moms and dads and kids learning separately