Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 Family Camp - Part 2 (Sat)

Our 2nd Annual Family Camp held at Camp Nazareth from Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1, 2014. These pictures are from midday until the evening on Saturday.
Fr. Stephen knits?
Some Family Games that challenged
This one was called "A little mercy please."
This game was called "Do you have time?"
Mom and dad giving their kids some time
Give me some time please.
The games brought families together
Smiles among the parents and kids were great to see
Dads got oodles of time
The kids "Time Factory"
Working on some "time"
Making time
The parents' "Time Factory"
Quite an assembly line for the kids
The beginning of the "Prayer Blanket" game
Almost there!
The end result of the "Prayer Blanket" game
"Putting on Airs" was a great Family Game
It required lots of teamwork and plenty of air
The Slip & Slide was tremedous fun
Just ask this Family Campers
Or any of these guys
The human snowcone going doing the slip and slide
Surfin' on the Slip & Slide
"Sisters" and suds from the Slip & Slide
His Grace enjoys watching the Slip-and-Sliders on Saturday