Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Western Regional Lenten Retreat (3/28/15)

On Saturday, March 28, 2015, the annual Western Regional Diocesan Lenten Retreat took place at St Alexis Orthodox Church in Battleground, IN. The retreat theme was Take Up Your Cross and Find Christ!

The day's events included a Youth Cross Walk which was also attended by many of the adults.
and the Moleben to the Holy Cross Service.

Fr. Sam Sherry gave an inspirational homily and led a group discussion on the topic "What does it mean to take up your cross?"

Following a Lenten meal, graciously provided by the host parish, Fr. Jonathan Bannon gave a beautiful reflection on Mount Athos, titled "Where do we find Christ?"
Father leads the way... The youth begin their cross walk in downtown Lafayette, Indiana, near the train station.
"Whoever wished to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow after me."
Processing along the street.
Stopping to pray.
Carrying the cross.
Western Regional Retreat Cross Pilgrimage Participants