Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Diocesan Camp Week 1 - Thursday, July 23

Pictures from Diocesan Camp Week 1 - Thursday, July 23, 2015.
Cabin 7 leads morning prayers this morning.
The old testament and epistle readings for the day.
Father John offers the cross at the end of Morning Prayers.
Seuss Soccer's last day of the week.
Campers helping one another on the sports fields.
Keeping control of the ball is key in Seuss Soccer.
Brothers matching a striking a pose.
Our Athletic Director decided to dress the part today as she referees.
Younger campers working hard to get those last points.
Last day of sports and last few minutes of the game.
The "Eye in the Sky" capturing a sweet Cabin 6 Picture.
Focusing on her Arts & Crafts project.
His Grace answering questions from Cabin's 3 & 4.
Cabin 5 ladies keeping their balance.
Cabin 2 boys on the Low Ropes Course
2015 Week 1 Seniors having their Senior Dinner.
Ice Cream Bar!!!!
Team Nazareth recreating exciting moments of the week.