Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Camp Nazareth Family Camp

Over the weekend of June 5-7, 2015 Diocesan families gathered at Camp Nazareth for a weekend of prayer, learning, fellowship and fun. It turned out to be a beautiful weekend which culminated with the Divine Liturgy celebrated on Sunday.
During the welcome and introductions.
As part of the welcome all the families helped put together a puzzle...each family would be a piece/part of making the weekend beautiful.
Mother and daughter at the first night campfire.
You're never too young to have your first campfire soft pretzel!
We needed recruits to help blow up the balloons for the Family Challenge. All the recruits passed out after expending all their air.
Getting together at Family Camp.
Father and daughter look on as the Family Challenge is explained.
"Thou shalt not reach to your right, but thou shalt reach unto your left" -- a game that taught the Commandments...and how to listen.
Maybe we'll just relax on the beautiful Camp grass.
"Blessed are they who find the strings which lead them to the virtues"...a game that taught the Beatitudes!
Now this looks like a fun game. Hey Jonathan, what are ya doin' with all those marshmallows?
2 dads enjoying a simple game.
We're pretty sure these two ate part of the games inventory.
All kids are welcome at Family Camp...including the cutest ones on the planet!!
Can you say "photogenic"?
A colorful game that involved toothpicks and marshmallows.
They had to match what the Master-Builder built without actually being able to see it. This was pretty close.
After the Family Challenge, the families were still together...whew! We must have done something right!
The kids making their own candles.
Just some time to relax around the pool was great for our families.
These brave souls weren't daunted by the chilly pool waters.