Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Bishop Gregory's Pastoral Visit to Hollywood, FL (2/21/16)

His Grace, Bishop Gregory made his first Archpastoral Visit to Presentation of Our Lord Parish in Hollywood Florida on the weekend of February 19-21, 2016

Posted photos show scenes from the Parish council dinner on Saturday February 20 and the Sunday Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on February 21, 2016

Photos Courtesy of Pani Joann Glimidakis
Bishop Gregory visits with Fr. Michael Miklos, Dean of the Florida Deanery and Fr. Dimitrios Leussis on Saturday afternoon.
Bishop Gregory was the guest of honor at a dinner hosted in his honor by the Parish council on Saturday.
Bishop Gregory, Fr. Demetri Glimidakis, Fr. Dimitri Leussis and Fr. Michael Miklos and a priest from a neighboring Russian parish (Fr. Philip).
Bishop Gregory with the Parish Council of the Presentation of our Lord Parish.
His Grace's visit took place on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.
Presentation of Our Lord Parish, Hollywood. Florida.
The beautiful interior of the Presentation of Our Lord Parish.
The Bishop's Throne.
Beautiful reliquary with the relics of St. Photini (The Samaritan Woman)
The Bishop's Staff.
Beautiful icon of St. Alexis of Wilkesbarre, PA.
Bishop Gregory with Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis and his son Peter prior to processing into the Church.
Bishop Gregory approaches the entrance to the Church.
Bishop Gregory is greeted with the traditional gifts of bread and salt by the President of the Parish Council, Mark Penzenik
Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis, the Pastor of Presentation of our Lord Parish welcomed Bishop Gregory to the Parish and presented him with the Hand Cross.
"You have entered O Archpriest......"
"Ton Despotin....!"
Bishop Gregory at the Episcopal Throne.
Bishop Gregory stands in prayer prior to the start of Divine Liturgy.
Two men of the parish are led forward to be Tonsured as Readers of the Church.
The prayer of Ordination to the Order of Reader.
The Tonsure.
The Tonsure.
The Prayer at the Tonsure.
The prayer at the Tonsure.
The newly ordained Readers with His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
The Great Censing.
The censing of the Bishop.
The Small Entrance
The Reading of the Epistle.
The Reading of the Epistle.
The Gospel Reading.
The censing at the Cherubic Hymn.
The Great Entrance.
"May The Lord God remember the Priests and Clerics and the faithful of the Church....."
The Kiss of Peace.
"Let us Lift Up Our Hearts!"
The Communion Prayer.
"Receive the Body of Christ!"
The Final Blessing.
Fr Demetrious offers words of welcome to His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory offered the Homily at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy.
Bishop Gregory personally greeted the parish youth and blessed crosses the church prepared for the children in his honor.
Even the youngest child.
Preparing for the distribution of the Antidoron.
Bishop Gregory offered the Antidoron and personally greeted all who were in attendance at Divine Liturgy.
The children were all smiles for His Grace.
"Can I have more please?"
Bishop Gregory with the Parish Faithful and Pastor and Deanery Clergy.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory with Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis who will in a few short weeks celebrate his first anniversary of Ordination to The Holy Priesthood.
Bishop Gregory offered the prayer of blessing at the delicious luncheon which followed Divine Liturgy in the parish hall.
Good food and fellowship.
Enjoying the beautiful day with their parish family.
The close knit and growing parish family sitting at table together.
The parish youth were a tremendous help in serving the meal.
No party is complete without a cake!.