Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2017 Priest Convocation (4/28/17)

The 2017 Priest Convocation took place from Tuesday April 25 - Friday April 28, 2017 at Camp Nazareth.

Posted photos show scenes from the daily activities of the Convocation.
The Camp Church.
On Tuesday afternoon the clergy began arriving at Camp and enjoyed time in informal conversation.
Fr. Roberto and Fr. Nicolaie enjoying a moment of rest after arriving from Toronto.
The Clergy sing "Christ is Risen" prior to the blessing of the meal.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory blessing the meal.
Enjoying one another's company.
Bishop Gregory offered words of welcome following Supper.
His Grace,Bishop Gregory encouraged the assembled clergy to enjoy the beauty of nature at the camp during their time together.
The clergy listened attentively to His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
A lighter moment.
Fr. Stephen Loposky gave a presentation on the most recent and upcoming camp events.
Fr. Stephen Loposky led the priests in prayer.
The day ended with Evening Prayers at Sts Cyril and Methodios Church
Wednesday Morning began with the celebration of Daily Matins.
Fr. Stephen was the celebrant of the Daily Matins Service.
Daily Matins.
The Left Choir - 2017 Diocesan Priest Convocation
The right choir.
Fr. Stephen prays in the Sanctuary.
The Altar Table.
"The Birthgiver of God and the Mother of the Light!"
The Paschal Canon
The morning was spent with an engaging presentation on Youth Protection by Christy Schiller of Praesidium
The purpose of the presentation was to orient the priests on the need for policies and procedures to safe guard our Diocesan Youth.
"Our parishes need to be safe havens for our youth."
The priests paid close attention to the excellent and thought provoking presentation.
After lunch, Deborah Garrett, Director of Operations of Hospice of the Valley gave an engaging presentation on Hospice Care.
Deborah Garrett
Free time in the afternoon led many of the priests to hiking the trails and taking in the beauty of God's Creation.
Spring Flowers
Fruit tree grove in memory of Fr. Michael Rosco
The domes of the Church illumined by the afternoon sunshine.
Fr. Stephen receives Bishop Gregory's blessing to serve Daily Vespers.
"Bless the Lord O my soul..."
"Peace be unto all!
"O Lord I cry unto You...."
The Great Censing.
Fr. Stephen offers a brief reflection at the conclusion of Vespers.
Thursday Morning Matins Service
Thursday Morning Matins Service
Thursday Morning Matins Service.
Christ is the light of the world.
After breakfast, Fr. Kenneth Bachofsky led a Scripture Study on the Holy Spirit.
Scripture Study.
The priest pay close attention to Fr. Ken's presentation.
Fr. Ken gave a insightful exegesis of the Old Testament revelation of the Power and Action of the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Ken offers words of wisdom to the priests.
Bishop Gregory poses a question to Fr. Ken.
Following Lunch, Deanery Meetings took place. Pictured are the members present from the Johnstown Deanery.
Youngstown, Deanery
New Jersey/New York City Deanery
New England Deanery
Chicago Deanery
Southern Tier Deanery.
Mid-Atlantic Deanery
Tri-State Deanery
Fr. Michael Miklos, Dean of Florida Deanery
The afternoon began with a presentation by Bishop Gregory on the current state of the Diocese and other pastoral matters.
The clergy listen intently to Bishop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory spoke at length about a recent evangelization survey undertaken by the Assembly of Bishops.
Fr. Miles Zdinak gave a report on the Seminary Alumni Association.
Fr. Robert Buczak gave a report on the Priest Benevolent Fund.
Fr. Stephen Loposky gave a report on the Diocesan Priest Pension Fund.
Before Supper, the Moleben to the Mother of God.was celebrated.
"O Mary Mother of God Pray For Us.!"
The Gospel Reading.
Fr. Mark Leasure shared some recent testimonies about the Intercession of the Mother of God.
Annual Priest Banquet.
Evening Sky.
Bishop Gregory prays in the High Place before Friday Morning's Divine Liturgy.
Fr. Roberto and Fr. Nicolaie with candidates for ordination to the Sub-deaconate from St. John The Compassionate Mission in Toronto.
Reader Paul Tadros is presented to Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Sub-deaconate.
Vesting in the orarion.
Subdeacon Paul washes Bishop Gregory's hands.
The towel is placed on Subdeacon Paul's head.
Subdeacon Paul is led to the icon of our Lord to stand in prayer and vigilance until the time of the reception of the Eucharist.
Fr. Stephen and Fr. Nicolaie present Steven Sitko to His Grace, Bishop Gregory for Tonsure as Reader.
The Prayer at the Tonsure of a Reader.
Steven reads the Troparion.
The Tonsure.
Tonsure prayer.
A Reading from the Acts of the Holy Apostles.
Vesting of the newly tonsured reader.
Bishop Gregory offers the prayer of ordination to the sub-deaconate
Newly ordained Sub-deacon Steven is vested in the orarion.
"Who is ever faithful!" Subdeacon Steven washes His Grace's hands.
The towel is placed on the head of Subdeacon steven.
Bishop Gregory offers words of wisdom to the newly ordained subdeacon.
Subdeacon Steven is led to the icon of the Mother of God.
Newly ordained subdeacons stand in prayer before the iconostasis.
"Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit....."
The Little Entrance.
Reader Sam Loposky reads the Epistle.
Fr. Stephen chants the Gospel Reading.
Bishop Gregory blesses the faithful.
Bishop Gregory censes the Church prior to the Great Entrance.
The Great Entrance.
Bishop Gregory remembers the living during the Great Entrance.
Bishop Gregory receives the chalice.
The priests and faithful pray during Divine Liturgy.
The Kiss of Peace.
The Creed.
"Sing, cry out and proclaim the Triumphant Hymn saying...."
"Take and Eat!"
The Consecration of the Holy Gifts.
Subdeacons Paul and Steven wash Bishop Gregory's hands.
Subdeacons Paul and Steven.
"Holy Things are for the Holy!"
Receiving the Precious Blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The priests approach the altar table to receive Holy Communion.
"Receive the Body of Christ!"
The final blessing.
Bishop Gregory offers the homily.
Little Moses joined Bishop Gregory during his homily.
"Children like Moses who are pure in heart see the angels invisibly present in Church..."
Bishop Gregory with newly ordained sub-deacons and co-celebrating priests.
Bishop Gregory with Subdeacon Paul.
Bishop Gregory with Subdeacon Steven.
Bishop Gregory with the Tadros Family.
"Let the little children come unto Me..."
2017 Priest Convocation Participants.
Clergy venerate the wonderworking icon of the Mother of God.