Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2017 Diocesan Camp Week 3 - Tuesday, August 1

Pictures of Tuesday, August 1 from Week 3 Camp Nazareth 2017.
Wake to Morning W.I.P.
Cheering friends on during Gaga Ball.
Gaga Ball
What a move to dodge the Gaga Ball!
IN and OUT Soccer was very lively today.
Everyone got into the game and played very hard.
Even Fr. Chendorain was getting into the mix of In-and-Out Soccer.
9 Square
9 Square
Fun in Christ @ Camp Nazareth!
A little helping hand on the Inch Worm Element.
Low Ropes Course Group
Teamwork was amazing on the low ropes this morning.
Atomic Frisbee
Atomic Frisbee
Atomic Frisbee
Tie Dye Tuesday!
Making their own creative Pray Books in Arts and Crafts.
Even the Cabin 2 boys were enjoying creating theirs. Very creative guys.
Beautiful singing during Plain Chant.
Cabins 1/6/7 learning finer points on singing during the liturgy.
Inch Worm on Low Ropes Course
Low Ropes Course
Nitro Swinging
The Nitro Swing was a popular element today.
"Swing Away"
Hike to the Cross.
Oldest campers working on an activity on the hike.
Cabin A/B/8 on the lower falls.
Campers take a moment for a picture with one of the hike leaders.
During Free Time, the Pamper Poll was open to a few of the older campers
Just a little farther.
A successful 3 person pamper poll.
Great job with the 2 person
Even a few of the seniors came to try a 4 person pamper poll.
Campers during the Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Fr. John speaks to the campers.
Anointing after the service.
Anointing after the service.
Anointing after the service.
Anointing after the service.
Toppings for days for Dinner Theater Meal.
Cabin 7 enjoying time with each other while waiting to be called for food.
Another amazing meal prepared by our out of this world kitchen staff.
Happy Birthday!!!
Seniors lead in ethnic dancing.
Beaver one, beaver all lets all do the Beaver Call!!!
Little bunny foo foo was a big hit at the campfire.
Fellowship and song puts a smile on these camper'a faces.
Cabin A girls during the campfire.
Thumbs up for a fantastic evening campfire.
Cabin 8 serenades the camp with their song choice during the Song Game.