Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

New Cabin Construction Days 11-17 (9/28/17)

Construction progress on new multi-purpose cabin at Camp Nazareth - Days 11-17.
If you want to have showers...
Roll and Tamp to get ready to pour the slab.
Remember the trench for the water? Where'd it go?
Stubbing up the plumping
Almost ready for the concrete to be poured.
Pouring the slab
Making sure the re-bar is as it should be
Driver is a little suspicious of the camera, but he's got a great job...driving a life-size Tonka truck!!
Smoothing out the slab is an important job if you want the finished floor to look good.
It's amazing how fast the concrete hardens so it can be walked on.
Ugh...more seeding to do, but the landscaping already taking shape.
Finishing up the smoothing process.
Wave to the camera!
Lumber just waiting to be used.
Setting up to get the first wall up.
Nearly there with the first wall...
...and here it is. The first part of the first wall of "Noah's Ark" goes up.
Marking out the interior rooms of "The Ark".
One full wall completed. Complete with oars attached.
Second wall being laid out on the floor.
Second wall up with oars attached.
Third wall up and "The Ark" is beginning to take shape.
Just your average pile of necessary stone.
A view out "The Ark's" stern portal.
A view out the aft portal.