Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, Ordinations, and Archpastoral Visit To St. Silouan the Athonite/St. John the Compassionate Mission. (5/8/18)
The community gathered together to welcome His Grace Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, and to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. His Grace presided over the Liturgy, and blessed the community in confirming more workers for the Lord's vineyard in Toronto.
His Grace ordained Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Diaconate for service at St. Silouan the Athonite/ St. John the Compassionate, as well as, Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate, and tonsured Br. Luke O'Neil, both of whom will serve at the newly established mission parish of St. Zoticus.
His Grace also bestowed the honor of Stavrophorus (blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei, confirming his diligence as pastor and father of the community.
After a very beautiful Liturgy, His Grace dined and brought his signature warmth and fatherly love to the community - taking pictures and dining with those present.
Other Albums.
Bishop Gregory Attends Fundraiser for St. Mary’s Refuge
Bishop Gregory Eats Lunch With Good Neighbors Mission Community.
Bishop Gregory Takes Part in Community Life.
Visit To St. Zoticus
Arrival in Toronto
His Grace ordained Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Diaconate for service at St. Silouan the Athonite/ St. John the Compassionate, as well as, Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate, and tonsured Br. Luke O'Neil, both of whom will serve at the newly established mission parish of St. Zoticus.
His Grace also bestowed the honor of Stavrophorus (blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei, confirming his diligence as pastor and father of the community.
After a very beautiful Liturgy, His Grace dined and brought his signature warmth and fatherly love to the community - taking pictures and dining with those present.
Other Albums.
Bishop Gregory Attends Fundraiser for St. Mary’s Refuge
Bishop Gregory Eats Lunch With Good Neighbors Mission Community.
Bishop Gregory Takes Part in Community Life.
Visit To St. Zoticus
Arrival in Toronto

Tonsure of Arsenio Tibayan as Reader

Tonsure of Arsenio Tibayan as Reader


Tonsure of Luke O'Neil as Reader.

Tonsure of Luke O'Neil as Reader.

Tonsure of Luke O'Neil as Reader.

Ordination of Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate

Ordination of Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate

Ordination of Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate

Ordination of Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate

Ordination of Arsenio Tibayan to the Subdiaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

Ordination of Subdeacon Paul Tadros to the Holy Diaconate

The bestowal of the honor of Stavrophorus (the blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei.

The bestowal of the honor of Stavrophorus (the blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei.

The bestowal of the honor of Stavrophorus (the blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei.

The bestowal of the honor of Stavrophorus (the blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei.

The bestowal of the honor of Stavrophorus (the blessing to wear the pectoral cross) on Fr. Nicolaie Atitienei.

Bishop Gregory with newly ordained Deacon Paul, Subdeacon Arsenio and Reader Luke along with Fr. Nicolaie and Deacon Pawel.

Bishop Gregory with Reader Luke.

Bishop Gregory with Deacon Paul and his family.

Bishop Gregory with Fr. Nicolaie and his family.

Bishop Gregory with Subdeacon Arsenio and his family.

Bishp Gregory with the clergy and faithful of the St. Silouan the Athonite and St. John The Compassionate Mission Family.

Breaking bread together after Liturgy.

Bishop Gregory cuts the cake.