Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Diocesan Altarboy Retreat- Day 3 - Liturgy

The third day of the 2018 Diocesan Altar Boy Retreat (Tuesday July 3) began with the celebration of Divine Liturgy at Christ the Saviour Cathedral.
Tuesday morning began with the altar boys processing from Christ the Saviour Seminary to the Diocesan Cathedral for Divine Liturgy.
Singing as they process to the Cathedral.
The Altar boys arrive at the Cathedral.
Praying the Liturgy.
Fathers Daniel Vaskalis and William Bennett led the altar boys in singing the Plain Chant responses to the Divine LIturgy.
The Little Entrance.
Vladimir read the Epistle.
The Gospel Reading
The Great Entrance.
Fr. Robert Buczak was the main celebrant of Divine Liturgy and was assisted by Frs. Michael Chendorain and Peter Paproski.
Deacon Nathanial washes Bishop Gregory's hands prior to Communion.
Bishop Gregory presiding over the distribution of the Eucharist.
Receive the Body of Christ.
Receive the Body of Christ.
Singing to the Lord.
Singing to the Lord.
Bishop Gregory offered the altar boys some words of wisdom following Divine Liturgy.
Altar Boy Retreat 2018 Participants
Fr. David Cochran with altar boys from St. John's Church in Bridgeport, CT.
Fr. Peter Paproski with altar boy William from St. John's Church in Stratford, CT.
Fr. Michael Chendorain with altar boys from St. John's Church in Perth Amboy, NJ.
After Breakfast Fr. Daniel Vaskalis gave an inspiring talk on the Theme who am I to the Church.