Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Sunday, July 22

Pictures of Sunday, July 22 from Week 2 Camp Nazareth 2018
Week 2 begins with Registration
Every camper receives a t-shirt with the 2018 Theme on it.
Campers fill out name tags during Registration
Moving into the Cabins
Moving into the Cabins
Campers love their new T-shirts
This camper is making his way down to Cabin's 7 & 8
Getting their T-shirt
Getting their T-shirt
Getting their T-shirt
Some familiar faces as the campers arrive at their cabins
Some play time while other campers are registering
Frisbee down by Cabins 7 & 8
Binghamton Bus has arrives all smiles!!!
New friends develop even within the first 2 hours of camp starting
Campers heading down to registration
Campers stretching their legs after the bus ride from Binghamton.
Cabins 1 & 2 counselors with their campers
Cabin 3!!!
The 2018 Camp Nazareth Logo for the T-Shirts!
Campers enjoying time with one another
Campers receive their dinner and an impromptu picnic dinner with their cabins.
All the cabins enjoy a picnic dinner out in front of the main lodge
Food = Fuel here at camp.
Picnic Dinner
Cabin B heads over to Staff Introductions with their counselor!
Campers excited to get the week started with a Staff Hype Video.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory addresses the campers and tells them they are in for quite a week
Campers ready for the week.
Camper ready for the week.
We are very thankful for our Diocesan Clergy that come and be with the campers for the week!
The 2018 Head Counselor Stephen talks to the campers about the program for the week.
Jacob, our Athletic Director talks about the sports the campers will be playing for the week.
Our clergy leads the campers back to the cabins for Cabin Blessings.
Cabin Blessing Procession
Cabin Blessing Procession
Cabin Blessing Procession
Cabin Blessing Procession
Campers sing along as cabins are blessed by the clergy.
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"
Cabin Blessings
Cabin Blessings
Cabin A young ladies help lead singing during cabin blessings.