Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Tuesday, July 24

Pictures of Tuesday, July 24 from Week 2 Camp Nazareth 2018
Waking up with Morning W.I.P.
A quick jog around the pool....
.....gets everyone in a better mood.
A group representing JMU today for Sports.
These campers and counselors are ready for sports!!!
Great action on the Gaga Ball Court today.
Gaga Ball: Day 2
Day 1 of Cricket Kickball!
Big kicker up to the plate.
Nice kick!!
Watch out at home!!! It's coming straight at you!!
Team work is the Key to Cricket Kickball!
Day 2 of Monopoly
Campers chasing after each other during Capture the Flag
Monopoly: Day 2
Capture the Flag: Day 2
Campers enjoying time playing the daily Sports.
Trying the figure out how to capture that flag.
Have to be ready and awake for Gaga Ball!
A good technique for Gaga Ball is to stay low to the ground and protect your legs from getting hit.
Last player standing!!!
Monopoly: Day 2
Monopoly: Day 2
Monopoly: Day 2
Cabins 4 & 6 help each other on the Hike.
Campers were to give instructions on how to walk up the trail for a little bit.
Counselors helped a bit to keep things moving along.
Fr. Tom blessed the water at the waterfall with Cabins 4 & 6.
Campers had a change to investigate the water and area by the Waterfall
A discovery from the ladies of Cabin 4
Campers were allowed to catch Crawfish & Salamanders while at the Waterfall.
A great group at the Waterfall
Arts & Crafts with Cabins A/B/8
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
Nitro Swing on the Low Ropes Course
Low Ropes Course
Thumbs up and ready to go!
Lets go on the Nitro Swing
Low Ropes Course going through the Spiderweb
Helping Hands over the Wall
We had some brave campers from the youngest cabins take on the Wall
Nice job to the youngest campers on the Nitro Swing
Cabin 7 during Plain Chant
Cabins 3 & 7 during Plain Chant
Young Ladies from Cabin 3 sing during Plain Chant
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Fr. Matthew talks about the life of St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
His Grace, Bishop Gregory blesses the food at the Sports Cookout!!
Cabin 6 @ the Cookout
Cabin 5 @ the Cookout
Cabin 1 @ the Cookout
Cabin A @ the Cookout (Pt 1)
Cabin A @ the Cookout (Pt 2)
Some of the guys from Cabin 8 @ the Cookout
Cabin 3 @ the Cookout
Cabin 2 @ the Cookout
His Grace, Bishop Gregory and a Cabin 1 Camper say the Cookout is Number 1 in their Books!
His Grace, Bishop Gregory enjoys dinner with the Young Ladies from Cabin 5.
Just like at a Baseball game, you have to dress up your Hot Dogs.
All Smiles are the Sports Cookout
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire
Week 2 Campfire