Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Diocesan Camp Week 3 - Friday, August 3

Pictures of Friday, August 3 from Week 3 Camp Nazareth 2018
Week 3 Younger Sports Award Winner
Week 3 Older Sports Award Winner
Week 3 Older Cleanest Cabin Winner: Cabin 7
Week 3 Younger Cleanest Cabin Winner: Cabin 3
Week 3 Younger Outstanding Camper Award Winner
Week 3 Older Outstanding Camper Award Winner
Week 3 Younger Camper of the Week
Week 3 Older Camper of the Week
Week 3 Senior Skit
2018 Staff Recognition: 5 Years Service
2018 Staff Recognition: 5 Years Service
The Convention business sessions began on Saturday morning following the opening prayer by Bishop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory offers a few remarks at the conclusion of Great Vespers.
Getting ready for the races.
Let the games begin....
The Saturday evening Derby Night event.