Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2019 Altarboy Retreat - Monday July 1

Scenes from the second day of the 2019 Altarboy Retreat, July 1, 2019
Morning Prayers
Father Michael Zak led the young men in prayer .
Father Nathaniel delivered the first talk “Why do we serve in the altar?”
“When we serve in the altar we feel complete...”
Plain Chant instruction
Order of Divine Liturgy Relay Race
Metropolitan Gregory blessing the food at lunch
Fr Zarynow leads the altar boys on a tour of the Sanctuary.
Shopping at the Seminary Bookstore
A wonderful afternoon tubing down Stoney Creek in Johnstown!
Supper at the park
The day ended with Office of Preparation for Holy Confession led by Fr Michael Zak