Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2021 Diocesan Summer Camp Week 1 - Sunday July 18, 2021

Photos from Sunday of the First Diocesan Summer Camp Week 2021.
NY/NJ/New England & /Florida Deaneries.
The first camper to arrive and start making their name tag during Registration
Cabin 5 counselor helping his camper back to the Cabin
Cabin 7 camper all ready to move in!
Cabin 4 gets their first camper!
Making the journey to Cabin B
Camp Nazareth Staff is excited to have campers arrive for Week 1.
Cabin 6 Counselors are ready to welcome their campers home for the week!
Cabin 7 guys heading down to the cabin.
Enjoying some activities from Cabin 2 while campers arrive.
More campers for Cabin 2 arrive!
Down to Cabin 6 they go for a fun filled week.
His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory welcomes Fr. Michael to Camp.
It's Christmas in July down at Cabin 8
The young ladies from Cabin B saying hello
Hello from Cabin 6!!
Cabin A heading into the pavilion for Intros
Ready for Staff Intros!!
Camp Nazareth 2021 Week 1 officially has kicked off!
His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory addresses the campers and encourages them to have a great week
Camp Nazareth 2021 Theme
Our Head Counselor Hailey gives the upcoming program a thumbs up.
Our Athletic Director Victoria talks about the sporting activities for the week.
The guys from Cabin 5 take part in the Photo Scavenger Hunt Activity
Cabin 2 during Evening Prayers
The campers sang beautifully during Evening Prayers
Fr. Michael blesses the entrances to the cabins to end the evening.