Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2022 Diocesan Camp Week 1 - Sunday, July 17

Pictures of Sunday, July 17 from Week 1 Camp Nazareth 2022
Counselors of Cabin 1: Maggie and Rachael
The rain can't stop the fun from happening
Camper arrival
Some indoor activities while campers arrive
A quick break in the rain for some games
Making the trek down to Cabin 8
Tossing the football at Cabin 7
Cabin 8's theme is Top Gun
Younglings (Cabin 4 Campers) prepare for Staff Intros
Staff Intros
Meeting the Staff
Staff Intros
Father Peter and Father Peter are just a couple of our Diocesan Clergy that will be at camp for Week 1.
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory addresses the campers and wishes them a great week.
Birthday Birthday Birthday....Birthday Birthday Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
Week 1 Group
The ladies of Cabin B during the Theme Scavenger Hunt!!
Theme Scavenger Hunt
Theme Scavenger Hunt
Theme Scavenger Hunt
Theme Scavenger Hunt
Cabin A Seniors and His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory
Evening Prayers
Week 1 Seniors lighting their senior candles
Cabin 7 guys during evening prayers
Father Stephen during Evening Prayers