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Camp Nazareth Cabin Expansion Project Days 58-66

The Camp Nazareth Cabins are undergoing a major upgrade with this expansion. New bathrooms, showers, a large common room, covered front porches, and climate control (hvac) are just some of the planned upgrades.

The project is scheduled to be completed by April 1, 2016.

Photos show scenes from days 58-66 of construction: Jan. 4, 2016 - Jan. 14, 2016.

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Jan. 4 -- Snow had finally come but work on the cabins continued.
Jan. 4 -- Cabins 4 & 5 beginning the process of getting their siding.
Jan. 4 -- Cabins 7 & 8 had already begun to get their sheeting put on (siding and roof).
Jan. 4 -- That's not a skylight up there...roofs were not designed for windows.
Jan 5. -- The snow melted and work continued here on Cabins 4 & 5.
Jan. 5 -- Yeah, it's cold! So cold even the bucket on the digger needed to be warmed up!!
Jan. 6 -- No trusses yet, but the siding continued to be put up on 1 & 2.
Jan. 6. -- Ooops! Sometimes when you're digging you hit things you shouldn't...this storm-water pipe was a quick fix.
Jan. 6 -- No more messy mud. Now it's just frozen dirt.
Jan. 6 -- When the sheeting goes up on the roof, the workers will finally be able to work "indoors".
Jan. 6 -- The picture window being installed on Cabins A & B. There will be a nice view of the entire Camp from there!
Jan. 6 -- Cutting through concrete...
Jan. 6 -- ...produces a lot of smoke.
Jan. 6 -- Beginning to tie-in the new roof with the old at Cabins 7 & 8.
Jan. 7 -- This poor worker has no idea what he's doing....if you notice he's a Cleveland Browns fan!!
Jan. 7 -- With all the work, new "trails" had to be cut to maneuver between the cabins.
Jan. 7 -- Trusses for cabins 1 & 2.
Jan. 7 -- Beginning to look like a cabin again up at A & B.
Jan. 7 -- Camp was without power each day for a couple days while they worked on tying in the electric.
Jan. 7 -- The workers had to bust through a bit of concrete to get the new pipe into the old transformer.
Jan. 7 -- Cabins 1 & 2 with all the trusses in place...it didn't take long.
Jan. 7 -- Back up at A & B the workers putting the finishing touches of sheeting on the front.
Jan. 8 -- To get the sheeting on the front of the cabins the workers have to build platforms. Too bad those platforms can't stay in place for a second story porch!
Jan. 8 -- Those posts up front indicate where the porch will be.
Jan. 12 -- Snow came again but again the work continued.
Jan. 12 -- With the sheeting on the roof, a lot of the inside work could begin to be done.
Jan. 12 -- A view inside the trusses of one of the cabins.
Jan. 12 -- This is the view of the new roof connecting into the old roof on one of the cabins.
Jan. 12 -- We're waiting for the day when the switch is turned on!! This is one of the new shut-offs outside each cabin.
Jan. 12 -- Camp is very beautiful when it snows. This pic is a reminder that there's more to Camp than just building onto cabins.
Jan. 13 -- Among the piles of wood sits one steel beam. Steel was needed to meet code on a firewall for the cabins.
Jan. 14 -- The last "bunk" of siding arrived...that was exciting!
Jan. 14 -- Just a different view into the truss system of the cabins.
Jan. 14 -- If you can picture it, the common rooms of the cabins will have vaulted ceilings.
Jan. 14 -- Compared to 2 pictures prior these trusses now have their "Hurricane" Clips.
Jan. 14 -- The front porch of cabins 7 & 8 being framed in.