Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2011 Cathedral St. Nicholas Celebration

On Sunday December 18, 2011, Christ the Saviour Cathedral hosted its annual St. Nicholas Celebration. Immediately following Divine Liturgy, a Panachida was sung in memory of His Eminence. Metropolitan Nicholas.

The faithful then proceeded to Christ The Saviour Educational Center where a festive luncheon, for the benefit of Christ the Saviour Seminary took place. The faithful enjoyed a visit from St. Nicholas and a holiday sing along.
St. Nicholas of Myra
Memorial to His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas
Father Frank Miloro and Fr. John Brancho offered a Panachida in memory of Metropolitan Nicholas at the Conclusion of the Sunday Dec 18th Divine Liturgy
"With The Souls of the Righteous Departed...."
Father Frank Miloro, Cathedral Dean welcomed the faithful to the St. Nicholas Dinner at Christ the Saviour Educational Center.
Donna Yarina Offers Greetings
Children come to Visit St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas greeted young and old alike
Father Frank Confers With St. Nicholas
St Nicholas greets Chris and Roxanne
The Dinner Guests received commemorative photos of Metropolitan Nicholas
Enjoying each other's company.
Singing along at the Dinner
The Vaporis Family
It doesn't get any better than this.... Father Frank and Pani Constance Miloro Father surrounded by their grandchildren