Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Orthodoxy Sunday At The Cathedral

3/4/2012 Celebration of the Divine Liturgy of Basil the Great with the celebration of the Restoration of Icons in the Church and the Triumph of Truth!
Seminarians Matthew Dutko of Binghamton, NY and Jonathan Bannon of Bridgeport, CT process with their icons to the Cathedral in anticipation of Sunday of Orthodoxy Divine Liturgy where we celebrate the restoration of iconography in the Church!
Sem. Matthew Dutko leads a procession of Sunday School students holding their icons into the Church.
Many of the children's icons were of their patrons saints whom they share their names with.
Both Middle School and High School students participated in the procession as they were followed by their teachers and faculty.
Mary Madeleine Birthisel holds her icon of Saint Mary Magdalene.
The children stand while listening to the Holy Gospel being read.
While the Creed is being recited the children hold their icons
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Frank Miloro focused on his prayers while leading the Church in worship and petitions.