Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 First Holy Confession - Christ the Saviour Cathedrale

1st Confession Students Process into the Cathedral
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Frank Miloro communes Grand-daughter Xenia
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Frank Miloro communes Great Niece Olivia
Very Reverend John Bracho communes Grand-daughter Katherine
Very Reverend John Bracho communes Great Nephew John
Christ the Saviour First Confession Class Xenia, Katherine, Olivia and John
Christ the Saviour First Confession Class with teachers Romayne Laichak and Seminarian Andrew Wythe
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014
1st Confession May 25, 2014