Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Seminary Graduation Ceremony (5/14/15)

On Thursday, May 14, 2015, Christ the Saviour Cathedral was the host for the Christ the Saviour Seminary's 2015 Graduation Ceremony.

The Class of 2015 includes: Deacon David Urban, George Ellis and William Bennett.

Posted photos show scenes from the Graduation Exercises.
The seminarians enjoyed a final meal together, before the graduation ceremonies.
Protopresbyter Frank Miloro, Dean of Students at Christ the Saviour Seminary and Deacon David Urban prepare to celebrate a Moleben of Thanksgiving.
Bishop Gregory presided over the Moleben Service from the Episcopal Throne.
Deacon David performs the Great Censing.
The joyful singing of the Paschal Verses
Seminary Dean Protopresbyter Frank Miloro offered a few brief congratulatory remarks to the Class of 2015
Seminary graduate Deacon David Urban receives his Diploma from His Grace, Bishop Gregory
Seminary graduate Deacon David Urban receives his Diploma from His Grace, Bishop Gregory
Seminary graduate George Ellis receives his Diploma from His Grace, Bishop Gregory
Seminary Graduate William Bennett receives his Diploma from His Grace, Bishop Gregory
Bishop Gregory offers a few brief remarks to the graduating students.
Bishop Gregory spoke about the challenges of the Holy Priesthood.
His Grace Bishop Gregory Seminary President , Protopresbyter Frank Miloro, Seminary Dean with the Class of 2015
Seminary Graduates with their spouses and fiancees
Seminary graduates with their family members.
Seminary graduates with their family members.
His Grace Bishop Gregory, with the members of the Seminary Community
Miss Helen Spanovich, Seminary Instructor of Music was honored for her many years of service to the Seminary.
Deacon David Urban with his former pastor and present Cathedral Dean, Protopresbyter Robert Buczak.