Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese


March/April 2003
A View of The Sanctuary, Note the Curved Ambon and The Support Columns for the Iconostasis.
Construction Progress in the Lower Level Heritage Center.
View of the Porch Ceiling
A View of the Heritage Center Stairwell.
Sts Cyril and Methodius Church in the Spring
The Camp Church Blanketed With Snow After A Recent Snowstorm (Photo Taken January 30, 2003)
A View of The Completed Woodwork Inside the Church
A View of The Nearly Completed Sanctuary
Westerly View Of The Metal and Wood Framing For the Porch and Dome.
View of Stone Faced Walls of Lower Level Heritage Center and the Church Nave From the Site of The Former Playground.