Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 Diocesan Camp: Week 1 - Sun July 13

Week 1 - Johnstown/Pocono/Southern Tier/Youngstown/Chicago Deaneries
Day 1: Sunday July 13, 2014
Registration going, going, gone...and then the week began.
Two sisters and one friend...a great recipe at Camp.
Registration was all smiles...glad to be back at Camp!
Cabin 5 girls enjoying some free time before the events of the first evening
Cabin 4 and Cabin 5 Counselors waiting for their campers to arrive
After a significant rain the campers were able to eat outside and have a pleasant picnic
Our first meal at Camp was a picnic...nice to eat outside with friends.
Sometimes at Camp we play leapfrog...the boy has some "ups"
The "Telephone Game" showed us that our campers are use to texting, not talking.
Pssst...did you here that Camp Nazareth is AWESOME!!!
Evening Prayers on the first night
Evening Cabin Blessings were beautiful, candlelit, and inspiring.
Sunday Night Senior Program...hard to believe its already their senior year at Camp