Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Sun July 20

Week 2: Pittsburgh/MidAtlantic/TriState/Washington DC Deaneries Day 1: Sunday
Campers checking in for Week 2 at Camp Nazareth.
Some of the older boys heading to their cabin.
Some dancing going on down at cabins 4 and 5.
Counselors waiting for their campers to arrive at their cabins.
Friends posing for a picture.
Waiting to see the nurse gives a great opportunity for a photo.
Some of the creative campers decided to use their artistic sides and decorate the path way to their cabins.
Campers doing the wave during introductions.
Some "Eggs, Chickens, and Dinosaurs" to Start off the week's team building activities.
Path way to the church with the Pavilion in the back.
A completely full church for evening prayers.
Father Steven leading evening prayers.
The younger boys are learning the evening prayers.
6 seniors are lighting their candles marking the start of their last week at camp.