Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2014 Diocesan Camp: Week 2 - Thurs July 24

Pittsburgh/MidAtlantic/TriState/Washington DC Deaneries Day 5: Thursday
Starting the day off with some Line Dancing to wake up!
Another beautifully full church during morning prayers.
It's Championship Time!! Get your game faces on!
Team Greece was well represented by the coaches of the Older and Younger campers.
Trying to decide which way to throw the ball in Ringball can be confusing.
This camper is trying with all her might to heave it down the field.
Week 2 Younger Ringball Champions: Younger Germany
In the consolation game, it came down to a shootout and these three were chosen to represent their team.
Week 2 Older Ringball Champions: Older Germany
Fr. Jonathan is asking the Younger Campers questions during their session of O.T. (Orthodoxy on Track).
Some of the older campers heading up to lunch.
This counselor is sharing ways to respect and care for god's creations.
Wonderful singing during Plain Chant.
Quick picture by the pool on such a lovely day.
Campers can't resist stopping by the Candy Window for a quick snack.
Campers playing some games during free time.
Campers getting ready to play the Religious Game "Chain Reaction"
The rules of the game are explained by this counselor.