Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Monday, July 27

Pictures from Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Monday, July 27, 2015.
Father Stephen addresses the campers after morning prayers.
His Grace talks about relics from St. Panteleimon on his Feast Day.
Week 2 of Seuss Soccer kicks off.
The younger campers pick up this crazy game quickly.
Teams discuss strategy during halftime.
Blessing of the Waterfall during Cabin Activity Rotation.
Bishop shares some thoughts during his time with Cabins 2 & 5.
Cross boxes being made during Arts & Crafts.
The oldest cabins hit the low ropes courses today including Cabin 7 taking on the 6 foot beam.
The young ladies of Cabin A try and figure out the Islands.
Cabin 8 trust must be strong to work on Trust Falls.
Cabin 5 experiences Giants, Wizards, and Elves during Team Nazareth.
Father Zdinak serves the Moleben to the Theotokos for Monday's evening service.
Campers kiss the cross on their way out of the service.
Pool Party Photo Booth!!!
Pool Party Photo Booth!!!
Pool party is in full swing.
Pool Party Photo Booth!!!
Pool Party Photo Booth!!!
Ladies of Cabin 4 having their cabin evening prayers at the Holy Innocents Shrine right outside of their cabin.