Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2015 Diocesan Camp Week 1 - Tuesday, July 21

Pictures from Diocesan Camp Week 1, Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
Walking to Morning Prayers.
Morning prayers led by the young gentlemen of Cabin 6.
Stephen gets loud to pump up his team.
Some pre-game cheers to pump up the athletes.
Day 2 of Seuss Soccer is underway!
A quick picture before the game begins.
Teamwork helped to accomplish their "Goal".
Block that kick!
Eyeing up the shot.
Team Meeting!
Taking a rest from sports during Seuss Soccer.
The youngest campers enjoyed a hike to the waterfall to bless the water with some of our clergy.
Wood Burning is a fun part of the Arts and Crafts this year.
Bishop time with Cabin's A, 7, and 8.
Campers enjoying the waterslide during free time.
Moleben to St. Nectarios at the shrine right outside of the church.
Father Michael anointing the campers during the Moleben to St. Nectarios.
Aerial picture of Cabin A.
Who's ready for a Campfire!?!?!?!
Cabin A girls enjoying time at the Campfire.