Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2016 Diocesan Camp Week 1 - Tuesday July 19

Pictures of Tuesday, July 19th from Week 1 Camp Nazareth 2016
Father Tobias lecturing during Morning Matins.
Team building activities before heading into the low ropes course.
Frisbee is back as well at Camp Nazareth.
A new group of campers get their dancing shoes on.
Team Building Activities
Blind Volleyball
Intense game of Capture the Flag.
The spiderweb is quite the challenge.
Some of the older campers taking time to speak with His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
Evening Vespers.
His grace, Bishop Gregory starting the dinner line during the "Flashback Festival".
Cabin 5 girls during the "Flashback Festival".
Catherine is pumping up the crowd during the campfire.
Cabin B ladies at the campfire.
Cabin 6 gentlemen focusing during the campfire.
Cabin 2 boys very excited for the new songs added to the campfire, but then again, all of the songs are new for these young campers.
Cabin 3 deciding what song to sing.
Just a great evening with friends around the campfire.