Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2016 Diocesan Camp Week 3 - Tuesday, August 2

Pictures of Tuesday, August 2 from Week 3 Camp Nazareth 2016.
A beautiful morning sunshine through the trees.
Morning Matins to start the new day.
A camper as she prepares to serve in blind volleyball.
...And a return on the other side of the volleyball court.
A camper as she's about to do the trust fall element of the ropes course.
A game of ultimate frisbee.
Which square should she serve the ball towards?
It looks like someone is about to score.
A group of campers hiking on the Trinity Trail.
Counselor Shawn describes the crafts the campers are about to make.
A camper designing a bookmark for herself.
Campers practicing their singing during plain chant.
A camper being strapped onto the belay system of the high ropes course.
Challenge by choice.
A camper climbing her way up the cargo net to the high ropes course elements.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory blesses the food at the Decades Festival.
Campers getting Root Beer floats.
Dancing at the Decades Festival.
Dancing at the Decades Festival.
We like to dance at campfires.
Staff member Kristofer introduces his traditional segment of the campfire.