Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

First Week of Lent 2012

Scenes From The First Week of Lent at Christ the Saviour Seminary and Cathedral in Johnstown
Faculty and Students who participated in the annual Seminary Lenten Retreat with Fr. Kevin Greenwood, Retreat Master.
Seminarians chant the Daily Office at the Lenten Retreat at Christ the Saviour Seminary on Clean Monday
Fr. Michael Rustick, Priest in Residence at Christ the Saviour Seminary with Fr. Kevin Greenwood, Retreat Master for the Seminary Lenten Retreat
Fr. Kevin Greenwood and Fr. Frank Miloro concelebrated a Moleben to the Mother of God in the evening of the First Day of Great Lent at Christ the Saviour Cathedral
Fr. Kevin Greenwood preaches the homily at the Moleben to The Mother of God