Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2017 Diocesan Camp Week 3 - Sunday, July 30

Pictures of Sunday, July 30 from week 3 Camp Nazareth 2017.
The buses have arrived for week 3.
Heading to cabins.
Registration with Pani Daria, Head Counselor Stephen, and Josh
Hellos and Welcomes at Registration.
...And the second bus has arrived.
Campers heading over to registration.
Great hair!
Every camper received a 40th Anniversary t-shirt upon arrival.
Campers are ready for an amazing week!
Games before dinner.
Cabin games before dinner.
Picnic Dinner
Kitchen staff is ready for week 3!
Campers excited during Staff Intros.
His grace, Bishop Gregory talks about having an amazing week at camp!
Our clergy for the week.
Seniors enter the church to start their senior program.
Cabin Blessings
Cabin Blessings
Cabin Blessings
Cabin Blessings
Cabin Blessings