Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2021 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Tuesday, July 27

Photos of Tuesday, July 27 from Week 2 Camp Nazareth 2021
Cabin 5 playing some Gaga Ball during Morning WIP
Cabin 8 Stretching it Out during Morning WIP
The boys from Cabin 7 lover their early morning Basketball
Cabin 6 during Morning WIP
Cabin 2 out for that morning walk
Cabin 1 enjoying a walk around camp.
Cabin B with some Yoga
Cabin 4 can't really decide which activity to do this morning.
Epistle Reader for Morning Prayers
Fr. George reads the Gospel during Morning Prayers
Today the Older Campers get a chance to test their moves in Zumba!
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
The Younger Campers get to try Human Foosball on Tuesday
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Younger Human Foosball
Older Camper Zumba
Older Camper Zumba
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins 1, 2, and 7 - Metropolitan Time
Cabins 1, 2, and 7 - Metropolitan Time
Cabins 4 & 6 - Plain Chant
Cabins 4 & 6 - Plain Chant
Cabins 4 & 6 - Plain Chant
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins B & 5 - Hiking
Cabins A & 8 - Arts and Crafts
Rusyn Night for Dinner!!!
The Cabin 7 guys enjoy their Rusyn Food.
Some decided to dance during dinner as well.
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Rusyn Night Activities
Fr. Miles during the Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Moleben to St. Nectarios
Anointing during the Moleben to St. Nectarios
Anointing during the Moleben to St. Nectarios
Anointing during the Moleben to St. Nectarios
Heading to the Campfire!!!
Stop....It's Beaver Time...GO BEAVER!!! GO BEAVER!!!