Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Archpastoral Visit to Endicott, NY (2/20/22)

On the weekend of February 19-20, 2022, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory made an Archpastoral Visit to St. Mary Orthodox Church in Endicott, NY, where Fr. Nathaniel Choma is pastor.

Posted photos, courtesy of John Puzakulics, show scenes from Divine Liturgy for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son - February 20, 2022.

Watch Metropolitan Gregory's Homily Here: youtu.be/Ir_tkxHOpe0
Metropolitan Gregory enters the Church to begin the celebration of Divine LIturgy
Metropolitan Gregory is greeted with the traditional gifts of bread and salt.
Metropolitan Gregory is greeted with the traditional gifts of bread and salt.
Metropolitan Gregory blesses the faithful as he enters the Church Nave.
Metropolitan Gregory with host pastor, Fr. Nathaniel Choma, Very Rev Protopresbyter James Dutko, Dean and Deacon Charles Ellis of St Michael Church of Binghamton, NY.
The faithful in attendance.
The Small Entrance
Parish Altar boys
"Wisdom Let Us Be Attentive!"
Metropolitan Gregory prays before the Altar Table.
The Gospel Reading
Metropolitan Gregory offering the Homily

Watch Metropolitan Gregory's Homily Here: youtu.be/Ir_tkxHOpe0
The parish choir beautifully sang the responses to Divine Liturgy.
The Great Entrance
The Great Entrance
"In the Fear of God and with Faith and Love draw near"
At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Gregory offered special prayers for the parish altar boys.
Metropolitan Gregory distributing the Antidoron after Liturgy.
Metropolitan Gregory greeting the faithful.
Metropolitan Gregory with one of the youngest communicants.