Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2022 Diocesan Camp Week 2 - Sunday, July 24

Pictures of Sunday, July 24 from Week 2 Camp Nazareth 2022
Cabin Fun to start Week 2
Cabin Fun to start Week 2
Cabin Fun to start Week 2
Cabin 8 Counselor and a Camper
Moving In
Moving In
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
The Bus has arrived!!!
Fr. Stephen gets the crowd going.
Ready for Staff Intros
Kitchen and Maintenance run out the tunnel during Staff Intros
Staff Intros
The Loposky's greet the campers
Week 2 Seniors
Evening Prayers
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory wishes the campers a wonderful week.
Evening Prayers
Week 2 Seniors