Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

XXIII Diocesan Council Sobor - Liturgy - Monday Oct 10, 2016

The Sobor began with the celebration of Divine Liturgy at Christ The Saviour Cathedral on Monday Oct 10, 2016

Photos Courtesy of Nicholas Bocher.
Bishop Gregory blesses the Clergy and Faithful as he ascends the Episcopal Throne.
Presiding over the Liturgy.
Great Censing.
Small Entrance
Subdeacon Michael reads the Epistle.
Holding candles during the Scripture Readings.
The Reading of the Gospel.
Bishop Gregory venerates the Gospel Book.
Censing at the Cherubic Hymn
The Great Entrance
Praying the Divine Liturgy together.
"With these blessed powers O Holy Master..."
The Consecration of the Holy Gifts.
"Take and eat!"
"Drink of this all of you.."
"Yours of Your Own!"
The members of the Diocesan Consistory were the celebrants of the Divine Liturgy.

The Consecration of the Holy Gifts.
Clergy approach the Sanctuary to receive Holy Communion.
Receiving the Precious Body of Our Lord.
Receiving The Blood of Christ.
The Clergy and Faithful in attendance at Divine Liturgy.
Clergy Cantors.
In The Fear of God and With Faith and Love Draw Near!
Receive the Body of Christ!
Holy Communion.
The Final Blessing.
Bishop Gregory offered a few words at the conclusion of Divine LIturgy.
Distribution of the Antidoron.
Clergy and Faithful in attendance at the XXIII Diocesan Council-Sobor
Clergy and Faithful in attendance at the XXIII Diocesan Council-Sobor
Sobor 2016 Group Photo
Clergy and Faithful in attendance at the XXIII Diocesan Council-Sobor