Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Diocesan Retreats at Camp Nazareth: Pani Retreat - Apr. 13-15, 2018; Deacons, Sub-Deacons & Readers Retreat - Apr. 20-21, 2018; Senior Retreat - Apr. 23-25, 2018

Camp Nazareth hosted several retreats in April. Among them were the Panis Retreat, the Deacons/Sub-Deacons/Readers Retreat, and the Senior Retreat. Each event was different because of the demographics, but all participants found great opportunities to engage the prayer life of the Church and to fellowship together. They were really beautiful retreats.
Getting ready for the Pani's talks and welcome.
On Friday night, the Panis gathered for some ice-breakers and games.
As part of their Friday evening, the Panis watched a video about the Young Womens' Encounter that our Diocese runs and hosts each year.
The gathered Panis got treated to an afternoon presentation in the sun, which up to that point had been scarcely seen in the Mercer area.
His Grace delivering one of his addresses...but from a shady spot on the Lodge Porch!
Listening to the afternoon keynote.
After the afternoon keynote on Saturday, Bishop Gregory gathered on the Lodge Porch with the participants for a photo.
The Panis enjoyed their time together including at the meals. The Saturday evening meal was really enjoyable!
Nice just to be able to catch up with one another and relax.
Listening to and telling stories was clearly enjoyable for all the Panis.
His Grace enjoying the Saturday evening dinner with the gathered Panis.
All weekend long the gathered Pani's enjoyed their time together.
On the first night the participants of the Deacons/Readers/Subdeacons Retreat had the opportunity to share stories and memories of Church from their childhoods.
After gathering in smaller groups, each group had the opportunity to share one story/memory with all the participants.
Rather than just being an ice-breaker or game, this was a great way to make strong connections with one another through a shared experience of God in their lives.
Bishop Gregory addresses the Deacons, Sub-deacons and Readers on Friday evening.
After the Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning, His Grace gathered with the participants for a photo.
The first night, the participants of the Seniors Retreat gathered in "The Ark" to share stories and memories of Church from their childhoods.
This was a great way to get the participants talking and listening to each other.
Throughout the weekend more and more stories and shared experiences of Church and family were shared.
It turns out that the participants of the Senior Retreat shared contact information with one another to stay in touch. Even with just a couple days together they felt a strong bond.
Some of the participants of the Senior Retreat shown here with Bishop Gregory, who was the keynote speaker for the Retreat, after the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday.