Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

The Ordination of Michael Oleksa To Subdeacon (2/14/16)

On Sunday February 14, 2016, Reader Michael Oleksa was ordained to the Order of Subdeacon by His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa at Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown, PA.

Posted photos, courtesy of Nicholas Bocher, show scenes from the Ordination Liturgy.

View Video of Hierarchical Liturgy:
Bishop Gregory offers the prayer of ordination.
Sub-deacon Michael is vested.
Subdeacon Michael washes the hands of His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
"Who is so ever faithful...."
Cathedral Dean, Protopresbyter Robert Buczak leads newly ordained Subdeacon Michael to the icon of Our Saviour.
Subdeacon Michael prays before the icon of Our Lord.
The Great Entrance.
"Yours of Your Own We Offer Unto You In Behalf Of All And For All!"
The Communion of the Clergy.
"Subdeacon Michael receives the Most Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ."
Subdeacon Michael Oleksa with His Grace, Bishop Gregory and members of his family.
The Laying On Of Hands.