Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

95th Anniversary of Saints Peter and Paul, Rockaway and the Ordination to the Diaconate of Thomas Kovalak

Over the weekend of June 10-11, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory visited with the faithful of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Rockaway, New Jersey for the celebration of their 95th Anniversary. The celebration included Great Vespers and a Picnic on Saturday evening, and the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning which included the Ordination to the Diaconate of Thomas Kovalak, and the elevation of former Parish Priest, Father Stephen Krivonak to the title of Very Reverend (Economos). Ten of our Altar Servers were blessed to serve as Acolytes together with 3 sons of the new Deacon Thomas. A festive brunch followed in the Parish Hall.
Entrance at Great Vespers
His Eminence speaking to the gathered faithful following Great Vespers.
The grillmasters for Saturday evening's picnic.
New Jersey Deanery clergy present at the picnic with Metropolitan Gregory.
An Ice Cream Truck stopped by for dessert during the picnic on Saturday night!
Tonsuring of Seminarian Graduate Thomas Kovalak prior to the Divine Liturgy
Sub-deacon Thomas stands in front of the icon of Christ awaiting his ordination to the Diaconate.
Small Entrance at Divine Liturgy
Sub-deacon Thomas speaking to his family and congregation prior to his Ordination.
The laying on of hands by Metropolitan Gregory.
Axios! Newly ordained Deacon Thomas Kovalak
Father Stephen Krivonak, a former Pastor of Saints Peter and Paul was elevated to the title of Very REverend (Economos)
13 Altar Servers were blessed to be Acolytes by Metropolitan Gregory.
The Kovalak family.
Young people from the parish present Metropolitan Gregory with roses at the festive brunch!