Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Science and Nature Camp - Tuesday, August 7

Pictures of Tuesday, August 7 from Science and Nature Camp 2018 at Camp Nazareth.
The Pittsburgh Museum of Natural History brought some different items today for the Campers.
Furs from different Mammals were available for the Campers to touch and check out.
Different animal Skulls were looked over to decide what animal it was.
Teddy was enjoying himself with an Wildebeest skull.
Campers took notes as they discovered different items.
A Blue Tongued Skink was on hand for the campers to observe and pet.
A fur of the Red Fox.
Campers were challenged to compare and contrast the different furs.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory holding a Turtle Shell.
We also had a Hedgehog to observe.
The second half of the presentation dealt with Paleontology.
Campers were to sort through different samples and observe what they found.
Teddy hanging with our Hike Leader, Jon.
Campers were assigned groups for the "Neat"ure hike.
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
"Neat"ure Hike
Campers reflect on their adventure.
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Reflecting from "Neat"ure Hike
Heading back to camp after the Hike.
Interesting find at the end of the Hike.