Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2018 Science and Nature Camp - Monday, August 6

Pictures of August 6 from Science and Nature Camp 2018 at Camp Nazareth
Early Morning Gaga Ball to get some stretching in
Our guest Anthony, a local Pottery Maker, joins us and teaches about pottery.
Campers finding leaves....
....As big as their knees.
Trying to find that perfect leaf
Listening to Anthony's directions
Campers working hard on their pots.,
Making a base for the pot
It was interesting to watch the campers use their own uniqueness in their pots.
Nice job by all the campers.
Along with pots, campers had a chance to make clay boats.
Intricate detail goes into creating the boats the campers will send off down the river later in the week.
Campers also had the chance to learn about different glazing techniques.
Learning what glazes did what to the pots was interesting
Taking your time to get that great pattern
Glazing some pots.
Campers had a chance to explore the Waterfall Area today.
Searching for interesting creatures and nature.
I think this camper just spotted something.
Learning about how a waterfall happens was very interesting.
Pani Daria and our little friend doing a great job singing during the campfire.
Some of the more experienced Camp Nazareth campers lead some songs.